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Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 39-47, Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231329


Introducción: El personal que labora en las universidadespodría constituir un grupo vulnerable de padecer enfermeda-des cardiovasculares, debido a los cambios constantes en elestilo de vida, como las rutinas de trabajo acelerado, largasjornadas sentados frente a un computador e inadecuados há-bitos alimentarios. Objetivo: Evaluar el estado nutricional y riesgo cardiovascu-lar del personal que labora dentro de un campus universitario. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo yobservacional. Se recogió información sobre el estilo de vidacomo la ingesta de alcohol, consumo de cigarrillos y prácticade actividad física. Para identificar los hábitos alimentarios seaplicó una encuesta validada de frecuencia de consumo dealimentos. El riesgo cardiovascular se lo pudo establecer me-diante los puntos de corte de la circunferencia cintura, índicecintura/altura e índice cintura/cadera.Resultados: La muestra de investigación estuvo consti-tuida por 112 varones y 217 mujeres que representaron el34% y 66% respectivamente. El mayor porcentaje de investi-gados expresaron no ingerir alcohol (55,0%), no consumir ci-garrillos (90,0%) y, no realizar ningún tipo de actividad físicadiaria (52,6%). Se encontró una ingesta insuficiente en todoslos grupos de alimentos. El riesgo cardiovascular medido através de la circunferencia cintura arrojó un riesgo alto(25,8%) y muy alto (41,6%). Por otra, mediante el uso del ín-dice cintura/altura, se evidenció que el 99,1% de los investi-gados presenta riesgo cardiovascular. Finalmente, a través delíndice cintura/cadera se encontró un riesgo elevado (34,3) ymuy elevado (27,7%). Conclusiones: El riesgo cardiovascular determinado a tra-vés de perímetros e índices antropométricos en la poblaciónuniversitaria investigada fue alta.(AU)

Introduction: Staff working in universities could constitutea vulnerable group for suffering from cardiovascular diseases,due to constant changes in lifestyle, such as accelerated workroutines, long days sitting in front of a computer and inadequateeating habits.Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status and cardio -vascular risk of personnel who work within a university campus.Materials and methods:Cross-sectional, descriptive andobservational study. Information was collected on lifestylesuch as alcohol intake, cigarette consumption, and physical activity. To identify eating habits, a validated food consumptionfrequency survey was applied. Cardiovascular risk could beestablished using the cut-off points of waist circumference,waist/height ratio and waist/hip ratio.Results: The research sample consisted of 112 men and217 women, representing 34% and 66% respectively. Thehighest percentage of those investigated expressed notdrinking alcohol (55.0%), not consuming cigarettes(90.0%) and not doing any type of daily physical activity(52.6%). Insufficient intake was found in all food groups.Cardiovascular risk measured through waist circumferenceshowed a high risk (25.8%) and a very high risk (41.6%).On the other hand, through the use of the waist/heightratio, it was shown that 99.1% of those investigatedpresent cardiovascular risk. Finally, through the waist/hipratio, a high (34.3) and very high (27.7%) risk was found.Conclusions:The cardiovascular risk determined throughperimeters and anthropometric indices in the universitypopulation investigated was high. It is recommended toimplement health promotion strategies to prevent theappearance of these pathologies in the long term and, in turn,treat the disease in people who suffer from it, allowing themto improve their quality of life.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estado Nutricional , Comportamento Alimentar , Exercício Físico , Estilo de Vida , Ciências da Nutrição , Equador , Estudos Transversais , Epidemiologia Descritiva
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 43(4): 149-158, 13 dec. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229968


Introducción: El síndrome de Burnout o agotamiento profesional aparece como una respuesta al estrés crónico en eltrabajo, con secuelas negativas a nivel individual y general. Objetivo: Determinar la presencia del síndrome de bur-nout, estado nutricional y conducta alimentaria en los traba-jadores de la salud. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo y observacional. Para identificar la presencia del síndrome de Burnout se aplicó el cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory.La evaluación del estado nutricional se realizó por medio dela toma de datos antropométricos y la conducta alimentaria se identificó con el cuestionario semi-cuantitativo de frecuen-cia de consumo de alimentos. Resultados: La muestra de investigación estuvo constituida por 142 mujeres y 91 varones que representaron el60,9% y 39,1% respectivamente. La conducta alimentaria secaracterizó por un consumo insuficiente de lácteos, hortalizas,frutas, carnes, panes y cereales. Con respecto a las caracte-rísticas antropométricas relacionadas al estado nutricional seencontró que el mayor porcentaje de investigados presentanuna prevalencia de exceso de peso del 78% y un riesgo car-diovascular del 91%. En las 3 subescalas que valora la pre-sencia del síndrome de burnout se pudo observar que tantoen los componentes de cansancio emocional y despersonali-zación son bajos, reflejando un 60,9% y 53,6% respectiva-mente. Mientras que la dimensión de realización personal esalta, evidenciando un 63,1%.Conclusiones: En la población de estudio no existen indicios de presencia de síndrome de burnout, sin embargo, un menor porcentaje de trabajadores de la salud presentan can-sancio emocional (19,3%), despersonalización (25,8%) ybaja realización personal (19,7%). Por lo cual se recomienda, buscar estrategias para reducir la carga administrativa y disminuir el nivel de agotamiento laboral en quienes lo padeceny prevenirlo en aquellos que presenten factores de riesgo (AU)

Introduction: Burnout syndrome or professional exhaustion appears as a response to chronic stress at work, withnegative consequences at an individual and general level. Objective: Determine the presence of burnout syndrome, nutritional status and eating behavior in health workers. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study. To identify the presence of Burnout syndrome, the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire was applied. To assess the nutritional status, anthropometric datawere taken and eating behavior was identified with the semi-quantitative questionnaire on frequency of food consumption. Results: The research sample consisted of 142 womenand 91 men who represented 60.9% and 39.1% respectively. The eating behavior was characterized by an insufficient con-sumption of dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meats, breadsand cereals. Regarding the anthropometric characteristics re-lated to nutritional status, it was found that the highest per-centage of those investigated had a prevalence of excessweight of 78% and a cardiovascular risk of 91%. In the 3 sub-scales that assess the presence of burnout syndrome, it wasobserved that both the emotional exhaustion and deperson-alization components are low, reflecting 60.9% and 53.6%respectively. While the dimension of personal fulfillment ishigh, evidencing 63.1%.Conclusions: In the study population there are no indica-tions of the presence of burnout syndrome, however, a lowerpercentage of health workers present emotional exhaustion(19.3%), depersonalization (25.8%) and low personal fulfillment (19.7%). Therefore, it is recommended to seek strategies to reduce the administrative burden and reduce the levelof job burnout in those who suffer from it and prevent it inthose who present risk factors (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Esgotamento Psicológico/psicologia , Comportamento Alimentar , Estudos Transversais
Rev. cuba. med ; 62(4)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550900


Introducción: El ciclismo es una actividad física que se practica de forma recreativa y como actividad laboral, en base a esto los beneficios en la salud varían. Sus efectos pueden extenderse en la regulación de la expresión de citocinas proinflamatorias en la obesidad; sin embargo, se deben estudiar detalles en los indicadores clínicos asociados a otras enfermedades crónico-degenerativas. Objetivo: Identificar los cambios en los parámetros clínicos que sirven como indicadores de riesgo metabólico en personas que realizan ciclismo como ejercicio habitual y como actividad laboral. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de diseño transversal, descriptivo en el Estado de México, México. Se formaron 3 grupos de 16 participantes provenientes de Toluca y municipios aledaños. Se realizaron mediciones de composición corporal y análisis bioquímicos para identificar las diferencias entre los grupos a través de la prueba t- student y el análisis de varianza ANOVA. Resultados: Los análisis estadísticos reportaron diferencias significativas en las concentraciones de lipoproteínas de alta densindad y triglicéridos. Para el grupo de los conductores de bicitaxi fue más favorable, se detalla como el tiempo de la actividad ayuda a mantener los parámetros de composición corporal como el porcentaje del tejido muscular y adiposo. Conclusiones: Los beneficios del ciclismo se presentaron con diferentes grados de eficiencia de acuerdo con la modalidad en la que se practican. Las variables no cambian de forma significativa en ningún grupo, pueden ser dependientes de otras variables como la alimentación(AU)

Introduction: Cycling is a physical activity, which is practiced recreationally and as a work activity. Its effects may extend to the regulation of the expression of proinflammatory cytokines in obesity; however, details should be studied in the clinical indicators associated with other chronic-degenerative diseases. Objective: To identify changes in clinical parameters that serve as indicators of metabolic risk in people who perform cycling as a regular exercise and as a work activity. Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive design research was carried out in the State of Mexico, Mexico. Three groups of 16 participants were formed from Toluca and surrounding municipalities. Body composition measurements and biochemical analyzes were performed to identify differences between groups through Student's t test and ANOVA analysis of variance. Results: Statistical analyzes reported significant differences in HDL and triglyceride concentrations. For the group of pedicab drivers it was more favorable, it is detailed how the time of the activity helps to maintain body composition parameters such as the percentage of muscle and adipose tissue. Conclusions: The benefits of cycling were presented with different degrees of efficiency according to the modality in which they are practiced. The variables do not change significantly in any group and may be dependent on other variables such as diet(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Exercício Físico , Estado Nutricional , Saúde Ocupacional , Doenças Metabólicas/epidemiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais
Rev. Finlay ; 13(3)sept. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514834


Las evidencias epidemiológicas ponen de manifiesto que los hábitos de vida, particularmente los dietéticos, tienen influencia directa en la calidad y expectativa de vida. La nutrición es uno de los factores claves para desarrollar cualquier actividad física o simplemente, para sentir bienestar. La evaluación nutricional en un paciente tiene un efecto directo en el tratamiento fisioterapéutico por lo que, para optimizar realmente la reparación y el proceso de su recuperación, el fisioterapeuta le brinda la orientación nutricional que requiera. Solo una ingesta adicional de nutrientes naturales no es suficiente, es necesario complementarlo con otras herramientas terapéuticas dentro de la fisioterapia. Las personas que padecen enfermedades crónicas, tienen transformaciones en la práctica alimentaria, creadas por la enfermedad de base por lo que resulta importante variar los hábitos dietéticos para lograr recuperar la salud. Es decisivo el papel del fisioterapeuta, para favorecer el apego al tratamiento nutricional de los pacientes con enfermedades no transmisibles.

Epidemiological evidence shows that life habits, particularly dietary ones, have a direct influence on quality and life expectancy. Nutrition is one of the key factors to develop any physical activity or simply to feel well-being. The nutritional evaluation in a patient has a direct effect on the physiotherapy treatment, therefore, in order to really optimize the repair and the recovery process, the physiotherapist provides the required nutritional guidance. Only an additional intake of natural nutrients is not enough, it is necessary to complement it with other therapeutic tools within physiotherapy. People suffering from chronic diseases have transformations in eating practices, created by the underlying disease, so it is important to vary dietary habits in order to regain health. The role of the physiotherapist is decisive, to promote adherence to nutritional treatment of patients with non-communicable diseases.

J Wildl Dis ; 58(4): 803-815, 2022 10 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36288680


White-tailed deer (WTD; Odocoileus virginianus) are a critical species for ecosystem function and wildlife management. As such, studies of cause-specific mortality among WTD have long been used to understand population dynamics. However, detailed pathological information is rarely documented for free-ranging WTD, especially in regions with a high prevalence of chronic wasting disease (CWD). This leaves a significant gap in understanding how CWD is associated with disease processes or comorbidities that may subsequently alter broader population dynamics. We investigated unknown mortalities among collared WTD in southwestern Wisconsin, USA, an area of high CWD prevalence. We tested for associations between CWD and other disease processes and used a network approach to test for co-occurring disease processes. Predation and infectious disease were leading suspected causes of death, with high prevalence of CWD (42.4%; of 245 evaluated) and pneumonia (51.2%; of 168 evaluated) in our sample. CWD prevalence increased with age, before decreasing among older individuals, with more older females than males in our sample. Females were more likely to be CWD positive, and although this was not statistically significant when accounting for age, females were significantly more likely to die with end-stage CWD than males and may consequently be an underrecognized source of CWD transmission. Presence of CWD was associated with emaciation, atrophy of marrow fat and hematopoietic cells, and ectoparasitism (lice and ticks). Occurrences of severe infectious disease processes clustered together (e.g., pneumonia, CWD), as compared to noninfectious or low-severity processes (e.g., sarcocystosis), although pneumonia cases were not fully explained by CWD status. With the prevalence of CWD increasing across North America, our results highlight the critical importance of understanding the potential role of CWD in favoring or maintaining disease processes of importance for deer population health and dynamics.

Doenças Transmissíveis , Cervos , Doença de Emaciação Crônica , Animais , Causas de Morte , Doenças Transmissíveis/veterinária , Ecossistema , Doença de Emaciação Crônica/epidemiologia , Wisconsin
Oecologia ; 200(1-2): 65-78, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36165921


Understanding how intraspecific variation in the use of prey resources impacts energy metabolism has strong implications for predicting long-term fitness and is critical for predicting population-to-community level responses to environmental change. Here, we examine the energetic consequences of variable prey resource use in a widely distributed marine carnivore, juvenile sand tiger sharks (Carcharias taurus). We used carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis to identify three primary prey resource pools-demersal omnivores, pelagic forage, and benthic detritivores and estimated the proportional assimilation of each resource using Bayesian mixing models. We then quantified how the utilization of these resource pools impacted the concentrations of six plasma lipids and how this varied by ontogeny. Sharks exhibited variable reliance on two of three predominant prey resource pools: demersal omnivores and pelagic forage. Resource use variation was a strong predictor of energetic condition, whereby individuals more reliant upon pelagic forage exhibited higher blood plasma concentrations of very low-density lipoproteins, cholesterol, and triglycerides. These findings underscore how intraspecific variation in resource use may impact the energy metabolism of animals, and more broadly, that natural and anthropogenically driven fluctuations in prey resources could have longer term energetic consequences.

Tubarões , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Carbono , Ecossistema , Lipídeos , Lipoproteínas LDL , Isótopos de Nitrogênio , Tubarões/fisiologia , Triglicerídeos
Rev. Finlay ; 12(3)sept. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406852


RESUMEN Fundamento: la población estudiantil universitaria es particularmente vulnerable de adquirir conductas alimentarias poco saludables, producto de factores como la inadecuada nutrición y el elevado sedentarismo generado por la elevada carga académica y el poco tiempo libre, cuyo resultado conlleva a potenciales riesgos para la salud. Objetivo: describir y comparar el patrón de conducta alimentaria y estado nutricional en estudiantes de sexto año de la carrera de Odontología impartida por la Universidad Andrés Bello en la sede Concepción luego de dos años de educación en línea por la COVID-19. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. La muestra se conformó por 18 estudiantes universitarios con un promedio de edad de 24,94 ± 1,95 años clasificados como eutróficos (21,92 ± 1,27 km/m2) y con sobrepeso (28,13 ± 1,53 km/m2), presentando ambos grupos hábitos alimentarios suficientes (12,27 ± 1,43 puntos). Se aplicó la Encuesta de Conductas y Hábitos Alimentarios en Educación Superior y se realizó una comparación entre grupos según estado nutricional determinado por el índice de masa corporal. El análisis descriptivo utilizó las medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, media, desviación estándar, mínimo y máximo. La distribución y homocedasticidad de los datos se determinó a partir de la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk y Levene, la comparación entre grupos se realizó con la prueba t de Student para muestras independientes considerando un nivel de significancia alfa <0,05 para todos los análisis. Resultados: solo se observaron diferencias medias significativas entre grupos para la preocupación alimentaria (p= 0,009). Conclusión: la preocupación alimentaria sugiere un interés por el autocuidado. Se requieren otros estudios que expliquen todas las variables moduladoras de la conducta alimentaria con el objetivo de promover espacios universitarios que conlleven la concientización de estilos de vida saludables luego de dos años de educación superior en línea producto de la pandemia de la COVID-19.

ABSTRACT Background: the university student population is particularly vulnerable to acquiring unhealthy eating behaviors, as a result of factors such as inadequate nutrition and the high sedentary lifestyle generated by the high academic load and little free time, the result of which leads to potential health risks. Objective: to describe and compare the pattern of eating behavior and nutritional status in sixth-year students of the dentistry degree taught by the Andrés Bello University at the Concepción campus after two years of online education due to COVID-19. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample consisted of 18 university students with an average age of 24.94 ± 1.95 years classified as eutrophic (21.92 ± 1.27 km/m2) and overweight (28.13 ± 1.53 km/m2). m2) both groups presenting sufficient eating habits (12.27 ± 1.43 points). The Survey of Behaviors and Eating Habits in Higher Education was applied and a comparison was made between groups according to nutritional status determined by the body mass index. The descriptive analysis used the measures of central tendency and dispersion, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum. The distribution and homoscedasticity of the data was determined using the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene test. The comparison between groups was carried out with the Student's t-test for independent samples, considering an alpha level of significance <0.05 for all analyses. . Results: significant mean differences between groups were only observed for food concerns (p= 0.009). Conclusion: food concern suggests an interest in self-care. Other studies are required that explain all the modulating variables of eating behavior with the aim of promoting university spaces that lead to awareness of healthy lifestyles after two years of online higher education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rev. esp. nutr. comunitaria ; 28(3): 1-15, jul.-sept. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-211111


Fundamentos: La anemia es uno de los grandes problemas de salud pública en el Perú, evidenciándose unanotable prevalencia en población infantil de comunidades altoandinas. El estudio tuvo como objetivodeterminar la relación entre el consumo, producción alimentaria y el estado nutricional de niños menores decinco años en las familias andinas de Huancavelica, Perú; y conocer los hábitos y frecuencia de consumo dealimentos en términos de la Seguridad Alimentaria Nutricional. Métodos: Estudio transversal de tipo descriptivo - relacional, donde participaron 55 familias con niñosmenores de 5 años; se evaluaron componentes de seguridad alimentaria nutricional. Se realizaron pruebas deChi cuadrado y R de Spearman. Resultados: La alta prevalencia de anemia infantil, siendo un 38% anemia leve, 34% anemia moderada y 9%anemia severa. Los alimentos consumidos se componen principalmente de carbohidratos, en promedio elconsumo de pescado y alimentos ricos en hierro es deficiente y el nivel educativo en alimentación de lasmadres es muy escaso. Conclusiones: La alta prevalencia de anemia infantil en las comunidades de Tres de Octubre y Bellavista -Huancavelica, está asociada con el nivel educativo de la madre, el consumo de pescado y vísceras, la tenenciade biohuertos y la crianza de animales. (AU)

Background: Anemia is one of the major public health problems in Peru, showing a notable prevalencein the child population of high Andean communities. The objective of the study was to determine therelationship between food consumption, food production and nutritional status of children under five yearsof age in Andean families in Huancavelica, Peru. It also aimed to know the habits and frequency of foodconsumption and terms of nutritional food security. Methods: Cross-sectional study of descriptive-relational type, with the participation of 55 families withchildren under 5 years old; components of nutritional food security were evaluated. Chi-square andSpearman's R tests was realized. Results: The high prevalence of childhood anemia in the study communities expresses 38% for mild anemia,34% moderate anemia and 9% severe anemia. Food consumption is mainly carbohydrates, on average theconsumption of fish and iron-rich foods is deficient and the mothers' level of education in nutrition is verylow. Conclusions: The high prevalence of childhood anemia in the communities of Tres de Octubre and Bellavista -Huancavelica is associated with the mother's level of education, the consumption of fish and offal, thepossession of bio-gardens and the animal production. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Anemia , 50328 , Estado Nutricional , Estudos Transversais , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado
Rev. esp. nutr. comunitaria ; 28(3): 1-11, jul.-sept. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-211114


Fundamentos: La malnutrición infantil constituye un serio problema en los países en vías de desarrollo. Lasintervenciones educativas son efectivas ya que mejoran los conocimientos y la comprensión de llevar unaalimentación saludable de los niños en etapa escolar. Identificar hábitos alimentarios de estudiantes deEducación Inicial en tiempo de Pandemia de COVID-19 y ver su evolución tras una intervención educativa. Métodos: Investigación cuasi-experimental, prospectiva, longitudinal, que evalúa en dos momentos (pre ypost intervención) el módulo educativo para la promoción de la alimentación y nutrición saludable en niñosde la Institución Educativa Inicial Buenos Aires de Villa llevada a cabo durante octubre-noviembre 2020 enLima-Perú. Se seleccionaron 33 estudiantes de aulas de 5 años. El instrumento: cuestionario test Krece Plus. Resultados: Los participantes tenían una edad de 5 años (78,8%) y 6 años (21,2%). El hábito de alimentaciónmedio aumento de 27,3% a 30,3% y el alto disminuyo de 69,7% a 66,7%; en los varones los hábitos dealimentación de nivel alto aumentaron mientras que en las mujeres disminuyeron, las variaciones se dieronen los estudiantes de 6 años. No existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en hábitos alimentarios(Wilcoxon p=0,559). Conclusiones: Más de la mitad de niños tienen hábitos alimenticios clasificados como “Alto”. Hubodiferencias, aunque no significativas, después de la intervención en los hábitos alimenticios “Medio” y ”Alto”.Se estimó que los niños en esta etapa tenían una gran influencia de los padres, quienes modificaban loshábitos alimenticios, por lo que es necesario que también estén involucrados en el programa. (AU)

Background: Child malnutrition is a serious problem in developing countries. Educational interventions areeffective since they improve the knowledge and understanding of healthy eating in school children. Identifyeating habits of Initial Education students in times of the COVID-19 Pandemic and see their evolution after aneducational intervention. Methods: Quasi-experimental, prospective, longitudinal research that evaluates in two moments (pre andpost intervention) the educational module for the promotion of healthy eating and nutrition in children of theInitial Educational Institution Buenos Aires de Villa carried out during October-November. 2020 in Lima-Peru.33 students from 5-year-old classrooms were selected. The instrument: Krece Plus test questionnaire. Results: The participants were 5 years old (78.8%) and 6 years old (21.2%). The average feeding habitincreased from 27.3% to 30.3% and the high decreased from 69.7% to 66.7%; in men, high-level eating habitsincreased while in women they decreased, the variations occurred in 6-year-old students. There were nostatistically significant differences in eating habits (Wilcoxon p=0.559). Conclusions: More than half of children have eating habits classified as “High”. There were differences,although not significant, after the intervention in the "Medium" and "High" eating habits. It was estimatedthat children at this stage had a great influence from their parents, who modified their eating habits, so it isnecessary that they are also involved in the program. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Nutrição do Lactente , Comportamento Alimentar , Pandemias , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Longitudinais , Estado Nutricional , Inquéritos e Questionários
Enferm. glob ; 21(67): 409-419, jul. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-209769


Introducción: El síndrome metabólico es conceptualizado como un conjunto de anormalidades metabólicas cuya expresión etiopatogénica incluye un estado protrombótico y proinflamatorio que eleva el riesgo de morbilidad y mortalidad en los pacientes afectados. Objetivo: El objetivo de estudio fue analizar el comportamiento de los principales elementos clínicos y de laboratorio que forman parte de los criterios diagnósticos del síndrome metabólico. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación básica, no experimental, de cohorte transversal, apoyado en los resultados de la indagación de salud ocupacional de los comerciantes ambulantes de la Asociación 9 de Enero de la ciudad de Cuenca. El universo estuvo constituido por 150 comerciantes y la muestra quedó conformada por 109 trabajadores. A cada participante se le aplicó un cuestionario para identificar características generales y se analizaron los valores de presión arterial, estado nutricional, glucemia y perfil lipídico. Resultados: Entre los resultados, predominaron los comerciantes con sobrepeso (43,12%). El 27,52% presentaba cifras de presión arterial elevadas, así como hiperglucemia en el 15,60%; el 39,45% presentó hipertrigliceridemia y el 36,40% hipercolesterolemia. Se observa igualmente un 34,86% de comerciantes con LDL colesterol elevado y el 29,36% presentó valores bajos de HDL colesterol. Conclusiones: Se concluye que en el grupo de comerciantes ambulantes investigados existe elevada presencia de alteraciones de los componentes clínicos y de laboratorio del síndrome metabólico. Se necesita realizar intervenciones en este grupo y en la población en general para lograr un mayor control metabólico y disminuir de esa forma el riesgo de aparición de complicaciones relacionadas a estos trastornos. (AU)

Introduction: The metabolic syndrome is conceptualized as a set of metabolic abnormalities whose etiopathogenic expression includes a prothrombotic and pro-inflammatory state that increases the risk of morbidity and mortality in affected patients. Objective: The objective of the study was to analyze the behavior of the main clinical and laboratory elements that are part of the diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome. Methodology: A basic, non-experimental, cross-sectional cohort research was carried out, supported by the results of the occupational health inquiry of the street vendors of the January 9 Association of the city of Cuenca. The universe was made up of 150 merchants and the sample was made up of 109 workers. A questionnaire was applied to each participant to identify general characteristics and blood pressure values, nutritional status, blood glucose and lipid profile were analyzed. Results: Among the results, overweight merchants predominated (43.12%). 27.52% had high blood pressure Figures, as well as hyperglycemia in 15.60%; 39.45% presented hypertriglyceridemia and 36.40% hypercholesterolemia. Likewise, 34.86% of merchants with high LDL cholesterol and 29.36% presented low HDL cholesterol values. Conclusions: It is concluded that, in the group of street vendors investigated, there is a high presence of alterations in the clinical and laboratory components of the metabolic syndrome. Interventions are needed in this group and in the general population to achieve greater metabolic control and thus reduce the risk of complications related to these disorders. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Síndrome Metabólica , Doenças não Transmissíveis , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pressão Arterial , Estado Nutricional , Glicemia
Nutrients ; 14(7)2022 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35406017


Malnutrition has a multifactorial origin and can be caused by cancer. This study determined the consensus of a panel of experts on the nutritional approach for cancer patients in Spain using a multidisciplinary approach. Using the Delphi methodology, a 74-question questionnaire was prepared and sent to 46 experts. The areas of knowledge addressed were the nutritional status of the cancer patient, nutritional screening, nutritional therapy, patient referral, and multidisciplinary care. A total of 91.7% of the experts agreed with the questions posed on nutritional status, 60.0% with those on nutritional screening, 76.7% with those on nutritional therapy, and the entire panel of experts agreed with the questions posed on patient referral and multidisciplinary care. The experts agreed upon a high prevalence of malnutrition among cancer patients in Spain. Unlike medical and radiation oncologists, medical nutrition specialists believe that body composition assessment should not be carried out in all types of cancer patients during nutritional screening and that interventions can be conducted outside the oncology clinic. In general, it is recommended that nursing staff routinely perform nutritional screening before starting cancer treatment. It is necessary to develop a multidisciplinary action protocol that includes nutritional and/or sarcopenia screening.

Desnutrição , Neoplasias , Consenso , Humanos , Desnutrição/diagnóstico , Desnutrição/epidemiologia , Desnutrição/etiologia , Neoplasias/complicações , Neoplasias/terapia , Avaliação Nutricional , Estado Nutricional , Espanha/epidemiologia
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(1): e257, ene.-abr. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409190


RESUMEN Introducción: El control de las enfermedades reumáticas constituye un reto para los profesionales de la salud. Existen diversos factores que pueden influir en su control, el estado nutricional y la realización de actividades físicas sistemáticamente son algunos de ellos. Objetivo: Evaluar el comportamiento del estado nutricional y la práctica de actividades físicas en pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Investigación básica, no experimental, descriptiva y transversal que incluyó como población de estudio una cohorte de 63 pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedades reumáticas según criterios del Colegio Americano de Reumatología. Se identificaron las características generales de los pacientes, la determinación del estado nutricional y la actividad física, y se utilizó la prueba de correlación de Sperman para identificar la posible relación existente entre las variables de estudio. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 53,36 años, con predominio de pacientes femeninas (82,54 %), con artritis reumatoide (53,97 %) y adherentes farmacológicos (96,82 %). Después de terminado el confinamiento existió aumento de pacientes con sobrepeso (41,27 %) y obesidad (9,52 %). Se encontró disminución de la frecuencia de realización de actividades físicas, con predominio de pacientes que realizan actividades físicas menos de tres veces por semana; el 14,28 % refiere que nunca hace ejercicios. Conclusiones: Se identificó que durante el periodo de confinamiento por la COVID-19 existieron variaciones negativas del estado nutricional y de la frecuencia de realización de actividades físicas de los pacientes con ER que pudiera estar relacionado con la actividad clínica de este tipo de enfermedades.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The control of rheumatic diseases constitutes a challenge for health professionals. There are multiple factors that can influence its control, nutritional status and systematic physical activity are some of them. Objective: To evaluate the behavior of the nutritional status and the practice of physical activities in patients with rheumatic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Basic, non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional research that included as a study population a cohort of 63 patients diagnosed with rheumatic diseases according to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology. The general characteristics of the patients, the rheumatic diseases included in the research, the main digestive manifestations identified, and the Sperman correlation test was used to identify the possible relationship between the study variables. Results: Mean age of 53.36 years, with a predominance of female patients (82.54%), with rheumatoid arthritis (53.97%) and pharmacological adherents (96.82%). After the confinement was over, there was an increase in overweight (41.27%) and obese (9.52%) patients. A decrease in the frequency of physical activities was found with a predominance of patients who perform physical activities less than 3 times a week; 14.28% report that they never exercise. Conclusions: It was identified that during the period of confinement by COVID-19 there were negative variations in the nutritional status and frequency of physical activities of patients with RD that could be related to the clinical activity of this type of disease.

Vive (El Alto) ; 5(13): 154-169, abr. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410332


El estado nutricional es el resultado de la interacción entre una buena alimentación y los aportes nutritivos que estos contienen, permitiendo compensar las demandas que un organismo necesita para su correcto funcionamiento. El presente artículo determina la influencia del estado nutricional en el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Básica durante el primer quimestre del 2019. Se aplicó la metodología con enfoque cuantitativo, diseño descriptivo de corte transversal y correlacional, donde se obtuvo información mediante la observación, aplicación del instrumento y valoración antropométrica a los escolares. La muestra seleccionada estuvo representada por 166 estudiantes de los cuales se determinó los que se encuentran bajo peso, normo peso, sobrepeso y obesos. La etapa preescolar obtuvo un promedio aceptable que, según la escala de la Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural, si alcanzan entre los más relevantes se encontraban los estudiantes con bajo peso con un nivel cognitivo de 7,2 inferior al resto de los estudiantes. En cuanto a la etapa escolar los estudiantes, que según su estado nutricional se encuentran con obesidad fueron aquellos que presentaron un nivel cognitivo inferior de 6,9 que evaluado por la LOEI estaban próximos a alcanzar los aprendizajes requeridos. Con estos resultados se determinó que el estado nutricional no tiene una influencia estadísticamente significativa en el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa La Libertad.

The nutritional status is the result of the interaction between a good diet and the nutritional contributions that they contain, allowing to compensate the demands that an organism needs for its correct functioning. This article determines the influence of the nutritional status on the school performance of the students of the Basic Educational Unit during the first half of 2019. The methodology was applied with a quantitative approach, descriptive cross-sectional and correlational design, where information was obtained through the observation, application of the instrument and anthropometric assessment to schoolchildren. The selected sample was represented by 166 students, of which those who were underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese were determined. The pre-school stage obtained an acceptable average that according to the scale of the Organic Law of Intercultural Education, if they reach among the most relevant were the underweight students with a cognitive level of 7.2 lower than the rest of the students. Regarding the school stage, the students who, according to their nutritional status, are obese were those who presented a lower cognitive level of 6.9, which, evaluated by the LOEI, were close to achieving the required learning. With these results it was determined that the nutritional status does not have a statistically significant influence on the school performance of the students of the La Libertad Educational Unit.

O estado nutricional é o resultado da interação entre uma boa alimentação e as contribuições nutricionais que contêm, permitindo compensar as exigências que um organismo necessita para o seu correto funcionamento. Este artigo determina a influência do estado nutricional no desempenho escolar dos estudantes da Unidade Educacional Básica durante o primeiro semestre de 2019. A metodologia foi aplicada com abordagem quantitativa, desenho transversal descritivo e correlacional, onde as informações foram obtidas por meio da observação, aplicação do instrumento e avaliação antropométrica em escolares. A mostra selecionada foi representada por 166 estudantes, dos quais foram determinados os que apresentavam baixo peso, peso normal, sobrepeso e obesidade. A fase pré-escolar obteve uma média aceitável que segundo a escala da Lei Orgânica da Educação Intercultural, se atingem a aprendizagem exigida, dos quais segundo a classificação pelo estado nutricional entre os mais relevantes foram os alunos com baixo peso e nível cognitivo 7,2 inferior ao resto dos estudantes. Em relação ao estágio escolar, os estudantes que, de acordo com seu estado nutricional, são obesos foram os que apresentaram um nível cognitivo inferior de 6,9, que, avaliado pelo LOEI, estava próximo de atingir o aprendizado exigido. Com estes resultados verificou-se que o estado nutricional não tem influência estatisticamente significativa no desempenho escolar dos alunos da Unidade Educacional la Libertad.

Estado Nutricional
Front Physiol ; 13: 800218, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35299666


We hypothesize that opioids are involved in the regulation of food intake in fish through homeostatic and hedonic mechanisms. Therefore, we evaluated in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hypothalamus and telencephalon changes in precursors, endogenous ligands and receptors of the opioid system under different situations aimed to induce changes in the homeostatic (through fasted/fed/refed fish) and hedonic (through feeding fish a control or a palatable high-fat diet) regulation of food intake. No major changes occurred in parameters assessed related with the nutritional condition of fish (fasted/fed/refed), allowing us to suggest that the opioid system seems not to have an important role in the homeostatic regulation of food intake in rainbow trout. The responses observed in telencephalon of rainbow trout fed the palatable high-fat diet included a decrease in mRNA abundance of the opioid precursor penka, in a way similar to that known in mammals, and increased mRNA abundance of the opioid receptors oprd1 and oprk1 supporting a role for telencephalic opioid system in the hedonic regulation of food intake in fish.

J Hazard Mater ; 424(Pt D): 127705, 2022 02 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34802818


Plastic pollution has become a major concern on a global scale. The plastic is broken down into minuscule particles, which have an impact on the biosystems, however long-term impacts through an entire generation is largely unknown. Here, we present the first whole generation study exposing fish to a 500 nm polystyrene plastic particle at environmentally relevant concentrations. Short- and long-term adverse effects were investigated in the zebrafish model organism using a holistic multi-omics approach. The particles accumulated in the yolk sac of young larvae and short-term biological impacts included immune-relevant gene regulation related to inflammation and tolerance as well as disruption of metabolic processes, such as the fatty acid and lipid pathways. The long-term effects comprised gene regulations pointing towards skin and/or gill inflammation, dysbiosis of the gut microbiota, a tendency towards decreased condition factor in adult males as well as a lowered reproductive capability. From this study, it can be concluded that exposures to plastic nanoparticles have an impact on population as well as ecosystem level in fish and likely also in other vertebrates.

Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Microplásticos , Animais , Ecossistema , Inflamação/induzido quimicamente , Masculino , Redes e Vias Metabólicas , Reprodução , Peixe-Zebra
J Wildl Dis ; 57(3): 601-611, 2021 07 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33979445


Marine birds are frequently found dead on beaches, either from natural or from anthropogenic causes. Complete necropsies of those carcasses can provide valuable information, particularly for pelagic species, such as Northern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) and shearwaters, which come to land only to breed and for which information on diseases that may affect them is, therefore, sparse. Between 2000 and 2012, 315 carcasses of four species of Procellariiformes (173 Northern Fulmars, 89 Great Shearwaters [Ardenna gravis], 50 Sooty Shearwaters [Ardenna grisea], and three Cory's Shearwaters [Calonectris diomedea]) were collected on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, an isolated island near the edge of the continental shelf. A complete necropsy, including examination for the presence of ingested plastic, was performed on all carcasses. Most (70%) of these birds were immature. The cause of death was undetermined in 22% (n=70) of the birds: 36% (62/173) of the Northern Fulmars, 4% (4/89) of the Great Shearwaters, 6% (3/50) of the Sooty Shearwaters, and 33% (1/3) of the Cory's Shearwaters. Emaciation was considered the primary cause of death in 91% of the remaining 245 birds: 87% (97/111) of the Northern Fulmars, 92% (78/85) of the Great Shearwaters, 100% (47/47) of the Sooty Shearwaters, and 100% (2/2) of the Cory's Shearwaters. Notable primary causes of death other than emaciation included mycobacteriosis and neoplasia in Northern Fulmars and transmural parasitic proventriculitis in Great Shearwaters. For Northern Fulmars, nutritional condition (as determined semiquantitatively) was compared with other parameters. Birds in good nutritional condition had heavier body mass and flight muscle mass than those in poor nutritional condition (P<0.01). More adults were in poor nutritional condition than expected by chance (91%; χ2=8.23, P<0.01), whereas only 57% of immature birds were in poor condition. There was no relationship between nutritional condition and sex or mass of ingested plastic. Our study provides information on some previously unsuspected health threats in Procellariiformes.

Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Mustelidae , Animais , Aves , Canadá , Monitoramento Ambiental , Nova Escócia/epidemiologia
Rev. esp. nutr. comunitaria ; 27(1): 1-8, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-220180


Fundamentos: La alimentación humana es un fenómeno multifactorial con reflejo en la condición nutricional e influida por los hábitos alimentarios y estilo de vida que en estudiantesuniversitarios no siempre son saludables El objetivo fue Valorarla condición nutricional y los hábitos alimentarios en estudiantes universitarios de ULEAM, Ecuador.Métodos: Se tomó peso, talla e índice de masa corporal (IMC) a 1038 estudiantes. Los hábitos alimentarios y la calidad de la dieta se determinaron mediante el Cuestionario de Frecuencia de Consumo y el empleo del Índice de Alimentación Saludable (IAS). Resultados: Peso y talla son mayores en hombres que en mujeres con diferencias significativas intersexos; el IMC refleja una condición general de normopeso con valores respectivos de24,65 ± 3,72 kg/m2 y 23,28 ± 4,77 kg/m2. Se evidencia doble carga de malnutrición individual y poblacional. Predomina la realización de tres comidas (70,06%). La calidad de la dieta según el IAS indica que el 48,07% de la población clasifica como saludable y el resto se encuentra en las categorías de necesidad de cambios y poco saludable. Conclusiones: Los hábitos alimentarios necesitan cambios y aunque su condición nutricional es aceptable coexisten estados de desnutrición y sobrepeso asociados a ellos. (AU)

Background: Human nutrition is a multifactorial phenomenon reflected in the nutritional condition and influencedby eating habits and lifestyle that in university students are not always healthy. The objective was to assess the nutritional condition and eating habits of university students from ULEAM, Ecuador. Methods: Weight, height and body mass index (BMI) were taken from 1038 students. Eating habits and diet quality were determined using the Food Frequency Questionnaire and the Healthy Eating Index (HEI). Results: Weight and height are greater in men with significant intersex differences; the BMI in general condition of normal weight male 24,65 ± 3,72 kg/m2 and female 23,28 ± 4,77 kg/m2. Double burden of individual and populationmalnutrition is evident. Three meals predominate (70.06%). The quality of the diet according to HEI indicates that48.07% of the population classifies as healthy and the rest are in the categories of needs changes and unhealthy. Conclusions: Eating habits need changes and although their nutritional condition is acceptable, malnutrition and overweight states associated with them coexist. (AU)

Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Comportamento Alimentar , Estudantes , Índice de Massa Corporal , Equador , Inquéritos e Questionários
J Fish Biol ; 98(1): 132-141, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32984950


The Argentine hake, Merluccius hubbsi, is one of the most important fishing species in the Argentine Sea due to its great abundance and high-quality meat. The study of the nutritional condition is widely used to determine the physiological state of the fish larvae and to estimate their survival possibilities. The larval nutritional condition reflects the environmental conditions to which they have been exposed and represents a useful instrument to determine favourable nursery areas. It also provides tools for the comprehensive management of a population subjected to fishing exploitation. This study aimed to determine potential differences in the nutritional condition of M. hubbsi larvae from the two fishing stocks (Northern and Southern) of the species. The authors assessed the nutritional condition of larvae captured during the 2012 main reproductive peak in the nursery areas of each population. Two different methodologies were applied: a morphometrical approach, by recording five morphometric variables, and a biochemical technique, employing the RNA/DNA index (RDs ) and its derived index of growth performance. The morphometrical indexes did not show differences in the larval condition between both stocks. Nonetheless, the RDs index did detect differences in the nutritional condition of larvae from different stocks. The RDs index of larvae in pre-flexion and flexion stages showed significant differences between stocks, indicating that these stages are more susceptible to starvation. The results suggest that the biochemical indexes prove to be more sensitive than the morphometric indexes to detect slight differences in hake larvae nutritional condition. The scope and limitations of these techniques for the analysis of the nutritional condition of larvae are discussed.

Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Pesqueiros , Gadiformes/anatomia & histologia , Gadiformes/fisiologia , Estado Nutricional/fisiologia , Animais , Biomarcadores/análise , DNA/análise , Gadiformes/genética , RNA/análise
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 41(3): 19-27, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-225817


Introducción: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares a nivel mundial constituyen un problema de salud pública, siendo responsables de 16,7 millones de muertes por año. Así mismo, en Ecuador representa alrededor de 25,6 muertes por 100,000 habitantes. Entre las causas se destacan los inadecuados hábitos alimentarios, la inactividad física, el consumo de tabaco y el consumo nocivo de alcohol. Objetivo: Determinar los estilos de vida, estado nutricional y riesgo cardiovascular que presentan los trabajadores de la Salud. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal. Incluyó a 130 trabajadores del Hospital Provincial Martin Icaza de Babahoyo-Los Ríos-Ecuador durante los años 2015 y 2016. Para la recolección de la información de estilos de vida se utilizó el cuestionario FANTÁSTICO modificado. Se aplicó el score de Framingham para la determinación del riesgo cardiovascular. Resultados: La muestra de investigación estuvo constituida por 82 mujeres y 48 varones que representaron el 63,1% y 36,9% respectivamente. La edad osciló entre 23 a 68 años. Aproximadamente, la mitad de la muestra presentó un inadecuado consumo de alimentos y consumo de alcohol; la mayoría no consumía tabaco y tenía un buen manejo del estrés y sus características asociadas. Por otro lado, el 72,3%presentó un IMC de exceso de peso (sobrepeso 40,8 % y obesidad 31,5%) y el 96,2% tuvo un porcentaje de grasa elevado. Los parámetros bioquímicos de glucosa, colesterol HDL y presión arterial se encontraron normales, mientras que, el57,7% reportó niveles de colesterol total elevado. Finalmente, el estilo de vida tuvo una calificación de malo (33,1%) y el riesgo cardiovascular fue bajo (88,5%). Conclusiones: La identificación temprana de los inadecuados estilos de vida permite a corto plazo el diseño de un programa de intervención que ayude a prevenir las enfermedades cardiovasculares en aquellos trabajadores que presentan factores de riesgo. (AU)

Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases worldwide constitute a public health problem, being responsible for 16.7 million deaths per year. Likewise, in Ecuador it represents around 25.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. Among the causes are inadequate eating habits, physical inactivity, tobacco consumption and harmful use of alcohol. Objective: Determine the lifestyles, nutritional status and cardiovascular risk of Health workers. Materials and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out. It included 130 workers from the Martin Icaza Provincial Hospital in Babahoyo-Los Ríos-Ecuador during the years 2015 and 2016. To collect the information on lifestyles, the validated FANTASTIC questionnaire was used. The Framingham score was applied to determine cardiovascular risk. Results: The research sample consisted of 82 women and 48 men, representing 63.1% and 36.9% respectively. The age ranged from 23 to 68 years. Approximately, half of the sample presented inadequate food consumption and alcohol consumption; the majority did not use tobacco and had good management of stress and its associated characteristics. On the other hand, 72.3% had a BMI of excess weight (overweight 40.8% and obesity 31.5%) and 96.2% had a high percentage of fat. The biochemical parameters of glucose, HDL cholesterol and blood pressure were found normal, while 57.7% reported elevated total cholesterol levels. Finally, the life style was rated bad (33.1%) and the cardiovascular risk was low (88.5%). Conclusions: The early identification of inappropriate lifestyles allows promoting healthy habits that help prevent cardiovascular disease in the long term in workers with risk factors. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estilo de Vida , Estado Nutricional , Pessoal de Saúde , Enfermagem Cardiovascular , Equador , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fatores de Risco